Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Travel Approval being mailed today!

We just got word that our Travel approval is being mailed from China to our agency today.  They should receive it and then they will book our Counsulate Appointment. Tentatively we are now scheduled to travel 5/3-5/17.  This could change, depending on when our actual travel date is.


Jodi said...

Can't wait for y'all to finally be together!!!

~ jodi sue :)

Amy said...

I'm very happy for you!

Chad and Kristy said...

Wonderful news!! I can't wait to see you all together!!

Rebekah Hubley said...

Praise the Lord!!! I better get her little blanket finished....in all of my spare time! :-) I am so excited for you guys!!!

Anonymous said...


The King Famiy..

The Princess's Mommy said...

HOORAY!!!!! Almost there now!!


Amy said...

FINALLY you have a tentative date!! Congratulations!! What a LONG wait this has been for you!!!

Spring said...


Spring said...

Thank you for helping Debbie with the fix for comments. Much appreciated :)

Velleta said...

Yes!!!! Wait until I tell Jenna and Rosanna that Calliandra is really coming home. I am so excited for all of you!