Calli, Malique and Marquez, Volunteers from Wayne State's coaching program. They're giving her pointers on trying to spin the ball on her finger tip like a basket ball. This isn't a goalball skill, but she's determined to master it nonetheless.
Jesse, college age player and volunteer
I took these with the video camera and it was an experiment. These are the only ones I have tho' so I'm posting them. This is the day Calli's wearing the hip pads. I think she could fit another person in there with her! or she could use this under a skirt and look like a southern belle. I'd forgotten to put the video card in so I only have a few that went on the puny internal memory.
Oh looks like she is a natural! Love those hoop skirt pads! LOL
Love you,
Looks like she had a blast! I like the hip pad looks.
hey! so great to meet you all too!! thanks again for taking the time to pick me up and have dinner with chris and i. it meant so much to us to see callie again and to meet her new family! hope you're doing well!
love the video of her chewing her gum while spinning the ball. good pics anyway. sometimes any pic will do just for the memory!
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