Howdy all who've been checking in to see what's been happening, I finally have enough lung power (and energy) to sit and type and try to remember our life over the past few weeks. I have taken picures though, so as soon as I can get Bill to put them up, you'll get to enjoy them!
Monday the seventh, Bill and I went off to work and Alex hung out with Mum and Acer, she even got to go to Acer's school and see what went on there. That evening she went off to church for Band practice with Bill, Acer, and Uncle James (he's our official Acer watcher during practice). She sings in her own church praise band and was even able to make a suggestion to help a song we're practing sound better. I stayed home and slept.
Tuesday the eighth was a busy busy day as Bill, Acer and I had our physicals for our dossier and homestudy. Finally, after almost a year, Bill went with Acer to the Dr's for shots. poor little Guy, he just dreads the Dr and she such a nice woman. My good friend Leigh was in from Toronto with her son Jarvis, we went off with the littles in the wagon and visited our favorite local park. We don't see nearly enogh of each other so it was good to spend even a few hours with her.
Almost as soon as Leigh and Jarvis were picked up by Husband/dad Matt to head home we headed out to meet Alex's grandparents in Lansing. We'd gotten there early and Alex was looking for a few craft items, so we stopped at a Michael's Evidently they'd had the same thought because we actually met her grandmother in the store, surprising all of us.
Wednesday I was sick, and Mum came over and watched Acer anyway, I was glas because I certainly wasn't up to his level of energy by anymeans.
Thursday I had to cancel visiting the school Acer will be in next fall. I just stayed home and tried to keep Acer safe and entertained. Thank heavens we could go out in the backyard for hours. If it had been rainy I would have been sunk.
Friday I went to the Dr, where she added to the med's my Dr had prescribed during the physical. It was also the day we had our home study. I was so wiped out I just apologized for the clutter and she basically didn't even care. What a blessing though, because she was already there to do a homestudy update she did Acer's final update at the same time and charged us $150 less than if she'd met us seperately to do it. That, combined with the reduction from a full homestudy to an update saved us $750 total. YEAH!
Don't remember much of that weekend, sick and on meds was my main memory, I didn't go to work and I didn't go to church or band practice on Monday night. Friday the Dr had given me a stay out of work note so I didn't have to go back until Wed. what a blessing. I've never been that sick before that the Dr basically said you ARE staying home. I think the fact that I work outside did play into that.
Monday the 14th I went back and she gave me a shot of something and yet another med. Basically, the infection was over but my lungs were still inflammed. That shot really helped me turn the corner into being a normal human being again. Mum came over and we kept Acer home from school because he was hacking a little and I didn't want to get the other kids sick. I think some of the other little ones there are medically fragile. Bill and Acer went to Band pratice. I slept.
Tuesday we went to the school Acer will attend next fall. It's the county classroom for the Visually impaired. There were kids of all ages attedning there, we saw five of them ages 4-12. A couple of them were being mainstreamed next fall. that to me was a big plus, that the two teachers were not trying to keep the children there, but were actively working to get them into normal classrooms. Obviously children of different abilities work at different levels, but they tried to get all of them of work up to their potential. Acer liked the toys in the classroom, and the snacks they served. He asn't really interested in much else except exploring. I was glad to see that there was a potty with a short, kids sized toilet attached to the room, just to make his life easier. Miss Weidmeyer, Acer's Orientation and Mobility teacher (canework) met us there to make sure there was someone there we knew.
Wednesday I finally went back to work. I worked slowly but steadily and made it through the whole day - yeah me! Mum also picked up my box of bookamrks from Acer's OT. She'd sold 4 but collected money for 5. Yeah Miss Diane! I'd also prepapred Bill and Acer's swim bag, but had forgotten Acer's swim vest. Ooops. They managed okay, and Acer liked holding the edge and then dunking himself down to find the floor (in the three foot section of course.)
Thursday, Friday and Saturday were average, nothing too exciting really.
Sunday the 20th I finally made it back to church and then did my normal cut out and go to work before church was over. Acer started the service with us, and then when he got restive, we took him back to the toddler room/nursery. We're trying to see if we can increase the length slowly until next fall when he'll be old enough for pre-school sunday school.
Monday the 21st we had band practice and it was not good on the lung power side, but at least I didn't have coughing fits. My voice was so off and airy and almost monotone that I didn't even bother with the microphone, I just sang to work on my timing.
Tuesday the 21st was an incredibly busy day. We had to get up early and go to downtown Detroit to get finger printed for our dossier. Thankfully the place was almost empty, at least compared to last time, and so Acer's sudden desire to be extra loud was easier to deal with. Acer and I went right from there to a meeting at his school about the transistion to next year's school. They had a panel of Mom's who shared their experiences - not sure how much I got out of it really but it went okay. We then went home, ate a quick bite, had a quick nap and then went to the Dr's for yes, another shot. Sigh. I gave him his choice of a new toy, frozen custard at Erma's or a trip to the park as a treat, and he chose the park. So off we met and he had fun, almost enough to make up for the shot. We tried to meet up with his friend Kiera and her dad Mark, but she actually napped through the entire two hours we were there so we made plans to meet on Thursday. We actualy had to leave the park because Bill's brother David was coming over to access some stuff he has stored in our garage. Acer loves Unca Dawe; Unca Dawei plays the drums ya know. He unearthed a shaker shaped like a banana and gifted Acer with it. Oh the joy, a new percussion toy! We drove David and his stuff across town and then realized we were hungry and only one block from good friends carl and Beq's house. I called to see if they wanted to order pizza, but they were already grilling and happily, they said they'd throw extra on for the two of us. Acer was not the best behaved and he chucked two glass bottles down the stairs at the same time (I couldn't grab him/them in time) and he made chortles of glee as he heard them bounce, bounce and shatter. Sigh. We really work on his desire to chuck things down the stairs, but he weighs the consequences and decides to do it anyway. We got home later than his usual bedtime, I put him down and he went right out. I wonder why;)
Wednesday I actually felt normal again - yeah me! Acer went to school with Mum and swimming with Bill. They went to the library and the grocery store afterwards. It'd been awhile since we'd had time to go shopping so Bill was able to get some needed items. Yeah Bill!
Thursday we has lots to do, but ended up doing them in reverse order. I tought I'd get us up and out the door before 10, but we were leaving the house after 12, running late to meet Kiera and Mark at the park. It was good to see them and let the kids run amok (within reason) we'd packed lunches and stayed for two hours. The kids weren't ready to go yet but I had things to do. We went back to the Dr's and Acer was finally able to have a good visit, they just checked his shot site and gave us the okay, then we rushed off to the post office. I mailed off a bunch of bookmarks for a friend in KC to sell to her church group. Bambi is my fundraising hero and she challenged me to send her as many as I could for her to sell. She raised an incredible amount of Money selling canned goods and other things to be able to bring her daughter faith home from Vietnam last year. If I hadn't read her blog, I doubt I would have had the faith to take our walk to bring Little Miss home. I saw what God did for them (with her hard work) and it inspired me to find my item to sell because Lord Knows, I'm no good at canning.
After the post office, we dashed off to Bill's work. We were leaving to drive across to Grand rapids to see Alex's choir concert. Bill came out with the set of four face cloths the Library knitting club is making for the sale - cute cute cute! (yes, I'll get Bill to insert pictures of these and the rest of the events as soon as I can). We drove and amazingly enough Acer stayed awake for the whole trip. We went to Alex's grandparent's house for a little while before the concert and just hung out. Alex was alredy at school to help with set up. The choir director chose west side story for this year's theme, they had eight songs sung by solists or small groups and then they had a mass choir finish up with a medley. Alex sang Alto in the mass choir, incredibly enough she was in the ront row and we could actually see her this year.
Afterwards she came over and swooped up Acer and ran around to show him off to all her friends. We knew who the important one at the concert was and were expecting this. Before we left, we talked in the parking lot with Gwen, her grandmother. We didn't get back on the road until after 9 and didn't get home until just before midnight. Acer finally went to sleep about ten, but he woke up and wanted to hold one of our hands. It was an awkward stretch, but we took turns and it seemed to soothe him back to sleep. We think he was just disoriented waking up in his car seat like that.
WHEW! I've now caught us up, and just have to get the pictures put in and you'll like this post even better,
Heather BT
14 years ago
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