Recently, a family from one of my yahoo groups, for Bilateral Microphthalmia, was blessed by a new home from Extreme Makeover Home Edition. During the interviews, the son, who was born with Bilateral Anophthalmia or no eyes, said he considered being blind a blessing.
Think about it for a second. You would never judge anyone by what they look like. You would never judge someone by what they wear, or what car they drive. You would judge them by their actions. You would judge them on the words that come out of their mouths and the tones they use.
Think of the clarity you could achieve but not having to rely on the false impressions your eyes might give you, replying instead on truer things.
I know Acer is a blessing in our lives, and I know he's blessed with smarts and incredible gross motor skills, but now I know he's blessed in other ways too.
14 years ago
I really agree with this. It's like anything or anyone's strengths and weaknesses. I have a weakness but then my strength gives me something and allows the weakness to be a blessing to my unique self. It is so cool to remember this and thanks for pointing it out. As a mom to a blind child you are in a very powerful positiomn to inspire many people!
That is an awsome way to look at it, I never thought of it that way, but you're right.
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