Yesterday was pretty interesting, despite the early start. We went to the jade and pearl mart, a two tower, 6 stories each, warren of shop after shop crammed cheek to cheek. There were clothing shops, bead shop, all sorts of goodies (or baddies depending on your view of any particular object.)
Then I escaped and did some shopping on the island here for Acer's traditional dress outfit among other items. Today we'll dress him in it and the we'll take the ever famous (among the adoption community) Red Couch Photo. Acer is the oldest, only special needs and the only boy in our travel group. It'll be interesting to see the outfits the families have chosen for their girls, I know it was hard to choose between the many different offerings for the boys and the girls have LOTS more. I know one Mom was on the hunt for a pink dress with a tutu styled tulle skirt (as requested by her 4 year old)
Later that night, a couple from our group treated us to US style dinner because Bill had helped them with their blog. It's always interesting it learn other people's life stories and Rick & Sue's was no exception. They are the group leaders as they had adopted once before, their daughter Samantha is 4.
Acer went to bed around 8 and I'd hoped for a sleep through until 6 but, no, today it was only until 3 AM. I managed to let Bill sleep until 4:30 & then at 5, I asked to sleep until 6. By 6:30 the breakfast buffet is open, so I took my newly clean self and Acer to feed the tummies.
We then went to the playroom until 9:30 when we went back to the room, to wake Bill so he could go find some cold meds. He was really suffering last night but they don't carry over the counter meds in the stores like they do at home, they only carry them at pharmacies. We tried to get to the pharmacy yesterday but they were already closed.
Acer has an incredible sense of directional memory, especially when it comes to finding an item again. I've noticed this as I can pick him up, change the direction he's facing and move him several feet away and he inevitably goes directly back to the item I tried to move him away from.
Yesterday Acer was so happy, we discovered that he likes to hold each of our hands and be swung. We didn't even know about this until he picked up both of his feet as we we walking. It's a good thing we had a grip on him! He has such a great grin, it just lights up the room and total strangers respond. He also like to climb on the bed & slowly fall off sideways. He also has a very unusual floor manouver, he can lay on his stomach, arch his back, and lift his head & shoulders and legs off the ground, I call it floor surfing.
He's also picking up words very quickly, today he learned either close or nose (I'm not sure which) from a toy in the toy room. The funny part is that he's also saying/singing it in the same key the toy was singing it. His latest word right now is 'Funny'
We are communicating better, in our butchered Mandarin and his version of mandarin, so that makes for an easier time all around.
Once again we're in a room with construction overhead. While some might consider this a detriment, Acer likes the noise so we don't complain. I don't know what we'll do when we come home, it's really pretty quite there.
Well time for the outfit & picture taking, we'll have to upset the little man because we're upsetting the status quo.
2 days and we're home!
14 years ago
Dear sweet Heather! I know you are busy, but PICTURES, please!!! Love, Monica
....floor surfing....
I like that idea, I'll have to try it myself. So glad to hear you guys are finding lots and LOTS of things that are keeping you very entertained!
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